The Order of the Ancient is here!

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"Sometime in the not so distant future... There is One Government. One Religion."

So begins Karl Bastian's novel, Order of the Ancient, available exclusively here at The story is inspired by epic tales enjoyed since childhood, possessing the adventure that will engage today's middle to upper elementary children. Containing elements of the great stories of old -- good vs. evil, ancient tradition, young heroes mentored by wiser sages, supernatural powers and miracles, mystery, and great battles -- Order of the Ancient allows kids to imitate the characters, resulting in their ongoing practice of the Spiritual Disciplines.

Make sure you pick up a copy of this first-edition release! Pick up a couple and share them with some kids you know. "We've given our children faith stripped of adventure. Karl's new book changes all that." - Larry Shallenberger, author and children's pastor

304 pages, 5.5" x 7.5", Paperback.

$14.95 retail
$12.95 discounted price for members
$3.00 shipping on all individual book orders.

$10.00 each in multiples of ten. ($6.50 shipping)
Larger discounts on bulk orders available upon request.


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